Why was Jesus Christ Manifested?

According to the last part of Revelation 13:8 (and all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world), Jesus Christ have been slain from the beginning of the world and it was only manifested two millennium years ago. He came that the word might be fulfilled through Him. Rather than using the blood of the doves, sheep for atonement of sin, He gave Himself up once and for all, to redeem us to the Father. On the Cross of Calvary, before He gave up His ghost, He said it is finished and the veil in the temple was torn. What does this mean? It means we now have direct access to God, we don’t need any medium or whatsoever to communicate to God. In the old testament, the priest go into the holies of holy once a year but now there is nothing withholding us from God. We can seek him anytime of the day and He will answer us because our God doesn’t sleep nor slumber.