Is Black Slavery Justified By Noah’s Curse

One of the single most significant occurrence in the world is black bondage. Approximately 9-11 million Africans are documented who are considered as slaves. Some are not even documented, especially those who died during raids, at the hands of slave traders, those who died on the transatlantic routes due to illness and diseases and those who are buried on all the surrounding islands. Lately, a mass grave of nearly 5,000 dead bodies of African slaves was found in St. Helena and many more have been discovered recently.

Slavery had been a common practice in Africa, Europe, Asia and the Americas. A victorious warring nation will capture the inhabitants of the defeated nation as slaves. Whether the Caucasians are at fault or the Africans are to share in the blame, occasionally, Whites will use Noah’s curse on Canaan as the basis to justify black slavery. Churches are actually on the forefront of slavery during black slavery period. Perpetrating evil in the name is extremely evil. I don’t blame several blacks who cannot fathom the horror lest serving the same “God” that was used to enslave them.  This is absolutely a wrong perception. Every living soul perished with the first creation when God used the flood to wipe everyone off the face of the earth. Noah found favor in the eye of God and he was spared with his family and in-laws and 2 of every living creature (Genesis 7: 1-24).  And the rain was upon the earth forty days and forty nights. (Gen. 7:12 KJV). The Gilgamesh tales also told of such a story where a flood caused the demise of the inhabitants of the world. The water abated after 150 days, the ark rested on Mount Ararat in modern day Turkey before dried lands emerges from the waters (Gen. 8: 1-13)

After the episode, Noah initially built an altar and becomes a husbandman planted the first vineyard recorded in the bible. He became drunk and uncovered himself. Ham, most likely, the youngest son of Noah, saw the nakedness of his father and told his brothers. However, Shem and Japheth went and covered their father’s nakedness (Gen. 9: 20-23). Many have interpreted this particular this being a “homosexual act” and not merely seeing the nakedness of his father. Bible didn’t specify this and there was nothing to back this up. However, it should be noted that seeing one’s parent naked is a big deal then as opposed to what we have nowadays where we don’t have respect for our bodies. We show our bodies indiscreetly often without a problem.

Regardless of the turn of event, when Noah woke up and he realized what his younger son had done, he placed a curse on his grandchild; Canaan; Ham is the father of Canaan. And he said, Cursed be Canaan; a servant of servants shall he be unto his brethren. (Gen. 9:25 KJV). Ham is the father of Canaan, Cush, Mizraim and Phut. Canaan is the father of the Phoenicians (Palestine). Mizraim is the father of the Egyptians whereas Cush is the ancestor of the Ethiopians. Phut is the father of the Libyans. A cursed was placed on Canaan and not on the blacks at all. Ancient Egyptians and the modern blacks share similar DNA. For example, Rameses III had haplogroup E1b1a; a subtype of E-V38 found in Y-chromosome often found among black males. Being on Y-chromosome meant the gene can only be transformed from father to son. E-V38 is common among the Bamileke in Cameroon, Ewe, Ga and Yoruba people in Nigeria.

The curse was partly fulfilled in the scripture when God called Abraham from the region of Mesopotamia to an unknown land. It should be mentioned that Abraham was a descendant of Shem to which God promised him the kingdoms of the Canaanites, which are the Sidonites, Amalekites and Jebusites etc. They were utterly destroyed as recorded in the Old Testament when the Israelites came out of slavery under the Pharaohs of Egypt. Some of the neighboring cities and countries whom the Israelites failed to conquer were eventually assimilated.

Gospel of Conflict

On a Saturday morning while driving to work, I listened to a radio program where the minister was talking about conflict and how Jesus didn’t come to bring peace into the world but rather a sword. Although I agreed with some of the points, being a Christian myself and not a baby one, I beg to disagree with some of his points. The scripture he quoted was 34 Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. (Matt. 10:34 KJV). However, Apostle Paul said, follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord: (Heb. 12:14 KJV)

The sword in this context was a figurative speech. One thing I have learnt about the Bible is that don’t just take one verse out to explain something, but rather look at the whole, the bigger picture. The “sword” bible was talking about was the inevitable separation (division) between the “Christians” and those who don’t follow the doctrine of Christ. Even Jesus’s own family didn’t believe him initially until later. Likewise, we Christians and not just those who professed Christ with their mouth but their hearts are far away from God, will also experience such separation at work, church, homes, the societies at large and even the government (e.g. several laws will be promulgated such as banning prayers and other artefacts in Schools in America).

However, Jesus promised that we shouldn’t be afraid as He had overcome this world. Combining two scriptures;

Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. (Jn. 14:27 KJV)

These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world (Jn. 16:33 KJV).

Shows that strife, turmoil and conflicts will continue as long as there are human beings. There will be never be an “utopian peace” but Christians can be at peace with themselves even in the face of adversaries, poverty, danger and other problems in this world. We can have peace in the positive blessings and being in right relationship with the Father. It is worthy to note that “peace is never the absence of problems”. There will always be troubles and problems but as Christians we shouldn’t let those move us.

We can only pray to God to keep us till the end even in the midst of the conflicts. I have read and listened to news about mass killings both in America and European countries either fueled by religion or racial injustice and some others have no basis at all. These are so sickening. However, this is not going to stop until the end of the world and it’s going to get worse by the day. We are approaching the end of the world. When Jesus foretold the signs of destruction such as wars, rumors of wars, earthquake, pestilences, famines, and other great signs that all those must come to pass before the second coming of our Lord Jesus. No amount of prayer will overturn those from happening. Our prayers can delay it, shorten it but they are all bounds to happen. Our prayer should be even in the midst of this, God should keep us safe.

Look at the case of Al Quaeda for instance, today it is called by another name ISIS and tomorrow God knows what other name the “institution” will be called. No matter USA’s and Russia’s intervention in bringing peace to the Middle East, long lasting peace is a farce and this is unattainable. This is fulfillment of the gospel in the Old Testament when God blessed Ishmael (the first man to be named by God in the bible); And he will be a wild man; his hand will be against every man, and every man’s hand against him; and he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren. (Gen. 16:12 KJV). Being the father of Muslims, all these senseless killings and bombings will never end as some people will always use religion to perpetrate evil in the name of Allah in the fulfillment of the gospel.